I really appreciated the essay on the benefits of being a parent in quarentine! We have a 5 year old daughter and while there are certainly times that I would rather NOT be parenting right now, she is such a tremendous source of light and joy.

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This was timed well as I was in the process of choosing my next read. Acedia & Me has been on my radar for at least 5 years since I read The Quotidian Mysteries. About a year ago I purchased a copy. I had picked it up last week to start reading but laid it aside after a few pages telling myself it wasn't the right time or it was too much to think about "in these times." This episode pushed me to pick it up again and I am reading it slowly with notation tools in hand. Thanks for the nudge.

Also, the French Butter cake has been in my family since my grandma made it when I was a teen and simply called it gooey cake (which is evidently how Paula Deene and the entire city of St. Louis refer to it.) It is the stuff of legend, particularly because I once baked one while my parents were out for the evening, cleaned up all evidence of said baking, and then hid it under my bed so I could consume the entire thing myself. At my leisure. Which I did.

I regret nothing.

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